16 August 2007

My Visitors

A few days ago I put the cluster map ( see the right toolbar) on this website, because I was curious to find out where my visiters are. I seem to have visitors in America, England (of course), Korea, Japan, Canada and maybe Brazil. I cannot zoom in very far, so I am just guessing some of the places. It's very exciting to know that people around the world are reading my blog. Some of them are friends and family, but the others I don't know. Perhaps these people merely stumbled upon my blog accidently, never to return to it again, or maybe they visit regularly, I don't know. Nonetheless it will be interesting to know who these people are. I don't update my blog regularly, and I have been in Korea almost 3 years now so I tend to talk about the more mundane things, as what was once interesting and unusual is now normal to me.

Anyway, thank you to everybody who takes the time to read my blog!


At 8/17/2007 12:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi again Louise :)
I'm dot #6 if you go across north America from left to right :)

I'm from Niagara Falls, Ontario, and I love reading your blog, and check it often. It looks like theres another person in Ontario/Quebec who read your blog.

Anyways, even though you think you talk about "mundane" things.. I still love checking for new posts, especially ones about your English classes.

Hope you keep it up

At 9/02/2007 7:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My family back home thinks my life must be so exciting. Nope. You get into the groove and it's the same as it was back home.

OK, not exactly. Must mostly sort of. ^^


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