IELTS and Other Things
Next Monday will be last day of the summer intensive course that I have been teaching on top of my normal schedule. This month has been exhausting but I am looking forward to the fat pay check that I will get. Unfortunately I cannot frivolously spend a penny of it due to upcoming events next year, and the trip to China in October.This week I spotted an advertisement for an IELTS (the official British English test) hagwon in our area (idp). Perhaps this is not the only one in Seoul or Bundang, but it is certainly the first one I have seen. We visited the hagwon today, and Songsu has enroled for the writing classes, the only class which is held at the weekend. His first class is next week, but he must complete his homework before he attends. There is something amusing about a 31 year old man with homework. Tomorrow we plan to study together...let's see if our intentions turn into reality. While I feel frustrated about my exhaustion and trying to keep on top of my studies, I know I have China to look forward to.
Incidently, I have joined photobucket as I am tired of the increasing limitations of the flickr site. I have started to put my spare photographs on there, and you can view them by clicking MY PHOTOS under General Links in the right-hand side bar. After that you can choose which folder you wish to view.